
Hyee Assalamualikum, Aku tataw kenapa sekarang nii aku lazzzyy likee ulerr saweee sangat. malasnyaa nak taip new post. malasnya nak online. malasnya nak turn on laptop. malasnyaa yaa semuanyaa malas malas! Orang lain semua dah pegi sambung belajar. aku jaaa tak lagi. hahaha takpa laa kawan aku bagi hampa p dulu nanti aku ikot blakang naehh naehh. Jangan Risaukan aku. Belajar rajin-rajin tawww kawan. Dan *AkuPun. Hihi

Kadang-kadang kan aku selalu rasa ''Ehh apa yang aku buat ni betul  keww erkk?'' ''Kenapa aku buat semua ni erk?'' ''Betul kaa ni semua yang terbaik untuk aku erk?'' Emm aku selalu rasa serba salah. Kadang2 aku rasa Single best, kadang2 aku rasa ada seseorang dlm hidup kita lagi best. kadang2 aku rasa mcm nak lari jauh2 pun ada. Lari dari masalah aku. kayy aku taww tak kemana kalau aku buat mcm ni kan? kadang2 kalau aku sayang kat seseorang tuu mesti aku rasa macam ''BERTEPUK SEBELAH TANGAN JAAA" Entah aku tataw kenapa aku cakap mcm nii. aku takot mengharap. aku takot nak sayang. aku takot dikecewakan. aku takot bila aku dah sayang aku mengharapkan dia tapi dia cuma anggap 'biasabiasa' sahaja! kayy tasuka hantok2 muka kat keyboooooaaaarddd.

Sometimes i felt like I'M SUCK IN LOVE ! Haaaaaa. People says Love, it never happen like you think it really should. Sometimes its make me think like Are you falling in love with the actual me? or just the character you imagine me to be? I'm confuse. I'm Sad. because i'm scared hoping for something that never exist between Me and You. kayy jangan heran laa kalau aku nak speaking japp. Hihi. Do you really care about me? or you just pretend to be? Erghh I Hate this. Okayy can I just be 'nothing'? Becoz they said 'NOTHING LASTS FOREVER' right? Sometimes when we were in love with someone even if you give them everything that they ask for, it'll never be enough. Trust Me this is so true, like ''Orang dah bagi betis nak peha lagi'' hahaha.

Please Don't judge me. You know Nothing about Me. So, please shut the fuck up. I don't care at all. I'm no one to judge neither are you. I'm sorry if i had been like Sooooooo 'KeeeterlaaaaluaaaaN' Hihi. From now on, I will expect nothing and just take what I get. Aku taknak orang cakap aku ni 'Suka Mengharap' Aku kena sedar yang aku ni bukan Kekasih. Aku ni cuma Kawan bukan Kekasih, just Let It Be, Ada Jodoh tak kemana. Aku Tunggu. I'm Human, I'm just a girl that always make mistakes. I'm not perfect. I'm fragile. Sometimes i hide sadness with my smile. But that makes me learn how to struggle in life. Jyeahh Be Strong kayy Una. Walau susah mcm mana pun. Aku tetap dengan cara aku. Allah ada, hanya Allah jaa yang mampu beri aku Derita mahupun Bahagia.

To be honest with you, I don't have the words to make you feel better, but i do have the arms to give you a hug, ears to listen whatever you want to talk about and i have a heart. A heart that's aching You to smile again. If You Love me, prove to me that you love me. Prove to my parents. If you wanna love me please stay and don't be shy. I'll promise you if we were together, I'll Love You Forever till my lasts breath. I'll make you feel comfort. I'll make you feel good and save. I'll make you happy and smile all the time. I'll get through all the thick and thin with you. I Love You. InsyaAllah. Amin :)